Care & Use.
Remove your Pro-Stays™ after wear so you can use them in another shirt tomorrow.
Keep your Grip liner to cover exposed Grip until next wear
Pro-Stays™ are made to have memory, bend the Pro-Stays™ when they are in your collar so the curve is seamless.
If your grip isn’t tacky enough after a few wears:
roll off the old grip and add a new grip
add a new grip over the old one.
If you have a shirt with no stay pocket,
add grip pads to two both sides of your Pro-stay™,
expose grip
position Pro-Stay™ so it isn’t visible
It is very important to remove the Pro-Stays™ prior to cleaning or pressing because
you don’t want to lose the Pro-Stays™
leaving a Pro-Stay™ in place can add permanent wrinkles or creases around the stay
Pro-Stay™ can lose shape from ironing/pressing
Roll off any grip prior to cleaning or pressing.